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More than letters on a screen

Register here

In this digital age it's common practice to apply for job functions online. 'Register Here' - fill in the boxes, upload your resume and done. They might ask for a motivational letter, which will surely prove your will and drive. Unless it's the job of your dreams, you just guess what they like to hear. And you send them just that. This works... for some. For me I don't have any bachelor degree I can speak of. I am not in the ideal age if you are looking for young blood. Heck, I dont think my resume is anything out of the ordinary technically, when you look at others' in my line of work. So what do I have to offer? What is unique and can give you more then a degree fresh from a school desk? Or a whole truck of certificates in every language of coding?

Well eh meeeee. How do I put that in a two page resume. As most recruiters shift through them? I have a lot to tell, I am 38 years old. Worked in Chicago, New York, Had my own business in London. Been around in my industry enough to know the dos and donts. Yes I have work ethic. You have no idea how motivated I am to get back into work-mode and I so love what I do. So there I am. Arrive at an employment agency and I get: 'register online' ...but..but...really?

I can send you my resume in the form a shoe with the title 'I just want to get my foot in the door'. Or if you really want to keep it on a screen, I got a site for you. It's tablet optimised to. As your registration form does not give me the option to share it. Here it is. Sell Yourself

What can you offer that someone else hasn't done? What can you give? Yourself. As you are unique. The leverage you have over others. Maybe you make people laugh, maybe you are a natural team player. Maybe, just maybe, you make the best coffee in the world. Who knows. Whatever it is, it can be huge on the workfloor but of no importance on a two sheet resume. You don't say 'I have a feeling for design', 'I have a sense of humour'. It's all there.

In your brand, you. They can see it. So how do you go about it? In my opinion the best way to brand yourself is to be real. It doesn't mean be an open book. Sharing how you clip your toenails before going to bed. But be sincere, use the leverage which is simply you.

Brand Yourself

Have a site where you can share more then just a resume. A place where you can put your knowledge and insights online. Maybe have a blog where you show off your knowledge. Have a twitter account where you share the process of your job interviews with every one on the web. Give your story. You don't have to be superman. We are all human. Don't be perfect. But put your strong points in the spotlight. After all, employers are looking for skills. Just remember. you can't really connect with your future employer if you wear a full mask. If you are like me and looking for a job in social media, e-marketing and so on, chances are you have shared a lot of yourself online over time. And be sure someone will google you at some point. So be aware of your online presence. Use the fact we all connected on the web. I am not talking about using your personal contacts on Linkedin, or shouting out on Facebook you are looking for work. The point of personal branding is that you consider yourself a product. Sounds a bit dirty but it really is not. If you can't be proud of who & what you are, how can you brand yourself? Think about what the industry needs. What employers and entrepeneurs in your sector need. Think about what makes you tick. What kind of things you would like to attract. As it works both ways. If you are not sure what message you are sending out, ask someone to have a look and tell you their first impressions. Not your mom, or spouse, girlfriend or best mate. But someone pretty neutral you could ask a little favour of. And make the picture connect with what you like to achieve.

A person is more than a just work force. You are more than two sheets of paper. An elevator pitch is great to have but not to build on. Yes, people don't have the time to listen to your life story. But they don't have to. You just have to capture their interest. And if they see something in you, they will look for more. And what better way to capture someone's interest than to offer something unique that relates to them at the same time.

Do something more than just a letter. Because you are more.

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