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We know what you want

Passion Over Rated

"Passion is the quickest to develop, and the quickest to fade. Intimacy develops more slowly, and commitment more gradually still." – Robert Sternberg, American Psychologist and Psychometrician.

Well put there, Robert. From my point of view I immediatly thought social marketing. You see, how do we get the people in? By addressing a need or even more simply cater to a passion. It's all basic. But the execution, that's a different matter. We all are passionate about one thing or another. When I think about marketing i think niche. I don't consider making every one happy. Just the customer or consumer I have something to offer to. Chances improve if you are as passionate about your products, as what you use them for. What I mean is, if you sell golf clubs it will help if you are a passionate golfer.

Meaning you can relate to the needs of a golfer. You don't have to be, but it helps. It will help as the same passion will reflect in your brand. That same passion will make people connect with you, with who you are. Regardless what you offer. And then if what you are offering corresponds, then the picture just comes together. They come to your site, they connect, they see and embrace your offer.

Customer Intimicy These days the connection makes the deal. Or better said, how you make your customers feel.

Sharing a passion is an easy - great connection to make. A nice quick bridge over the water as you will. But if you would follow the statement of Robert above, you can assume this fire shines bright, but can also fade as quickly. Intimicy however, especially online, is another matter. Intimacy with a brand means sharing your personal world. This can be by either giving your opinion online, signing up on an email list, corresponding with an employee of a particular brand through chat, whatever medium you use to connect personally.

It isn't easy to engage consumers with your brand, creating that intimacy where they show you more than just the inside of their wallet. By achieving this connection and putting the effort in it, the rewards are undeniable. To know what moves your customer is gold. Commitment. Again, going back to the statement on top. It can't be much closer to the truth. It is one thing to engage with your visitors. To build up trust to a point that a customer binds him/herself to your brand, is another thing.

Your loyal client base. They will be honest, stand by you, support you and even recommend you to their peers. From a genuine base of commitment. They will also let you know when there is room for improvement.

That's in the end what you want to achieve, this commitment. It isn't given freely, and it goes gradually. But that's the way it should go. A long term relationship is built step by step. I am not saying marketeers don't have the tricks up their sleeves to make you take those steps. You probably don't even notice the subtle ways it happens. So it won't bother you. Yes you might have spent some time and money and energy on getting something you might not have gotten otherwise. But don't you feel happy and content about it? And that's what counts in my opinion.

Are you aware how they appeal to your emotion, or better said, cater to your emotion? As we are all human it isn't that hard. The trick is to do it right. What makes you tick?

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